Most Popular: ASFB Signature Package
Australian Skin Face Body, ASFB Signature Package
Our popular ASFB Signature package (Valued at $465) is available, every day, at an incredible price.
Signature Package Price $295.
Signature Package Price $295.
If your skin feels dehydrated this may just be the treatment for you.
The ultimate rejuvenation boost for your skin, the ASFBÂ Signature Package consists of:
A Medical Grade Facial Peel. A gentle skin peel to smooth, soften and hydrate dry skin
Laser Treatment with the ND:Yag gentle laser to stimulate collagen production in the skin
The ND:Yag is a great introduction to laser.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) Therapy A relaxing treatment to hydrate and strengthen thirsty skin
This treatment is an ideal introduction to gentle laser.
Our Signature Treatment only takes an hour, so it’s easy to fit into your schedule.
Book NOW! tel: 1300 502 732 and select your nearest Australian Skin Face Body Clinic.
Why not upgrade to our NEW ASFB Super Charged Signature Treatment?
*Conditions apply. RRP for the package is $295 (Valued at $465) Offer available at all Australian Skin Face Body Clinics.  Individual results may vary. Your dermal therapist will determine if this treatment is suitable for you.
*Individual results and experience may vary.